Wednesday, December 5

The Remainder is the Lord's

This evening after singing before sermon, I heard this rhema from the Lord: "The remainder is the Lord's." The thought which came on my inquiry as to what it meant was doing division like we learned in early grade school e.g. 13 divided by 4 is 3 sets with 1 remainder. What is your interpretation of this word? I took it as a message of acceptance, holiness and love for those with a special calling or connection with God which creates a vacancy in their life/lives which cannot be filled, try what may. The vacancy and set-apart-ness is from the Lord and for the Lord! "The remainder is the Lord's!"

He also allowed me to gather and pray with two other brothers, who were also wearing green. We were very reluctant prayer partners, because communion and respect are lacking between us, yet there we were and I knew it was right, so I had a volunteer attitude to pray and join together. God puts us with people we wouldn't normally choose to mix it up sometimes, and we have to be open to that. I observed that we were all wearing green; for me this was a departure, because the Lord has told me that I am to predominantly be wearing blue, my favorite color. The green was prophetic of new growth and new seasons we're entering into! "He makes all things green." He who made Aaron's rod to bud can surely bring new life and fruit to happen with us! So let's go green :).

The Lord showed me shielding wings over me, His protection and guardianship, and this vision was confirmed in the sermon too. Later, I kept seeing His wings. Still later, I saw His wings gathering His chicks, the way a mother hen draws her little ones in to her. And I heard "How blessed are you, for you knew the day of your visitation." (c.f. Luke 13:34, Luke 19:44, 1 Pet 2:12)

I kept singing about how the Lord surrounds His people like the rings surround Saturn; the idea was one of beauty in the heavenly realm.

Dancing in my new ultra lightweight gekkos was fun.

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