Friday, December 28

Power and Presence

Jesus commanded in Matthew 6:33, But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. But what does He mean; since He told Mary that only one thing was necessary, why does He tell us here to see 1st two things? Are we divided in what to pursue as first priority?

Not really. I think Jesus meant for us to seek first His presence (as opposed to seeking to be justified apart from Him by conforming to a code or law) (for He is The Lord Our Righteousness) and His power in all of the affairs of men. His presence and His power in our lives - that is to be our preemptive desire.

Some want the pleasure of His presence, but do not desire His power to be influencing their worlds; others seek His power, but find justification in some other way than Him.

Seeking both is what it means to seek Him in spirit and in truth.

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