Vacancy - a position, office, or place of accomodation that is unfilled or unoccupied. To a weary night driver on the interstate, this is a welcome sign! But to an apartment manager, it means lost revenue. A time and/or space ready for something yet non-allocated, under-utilized, empty.
Is there a vacancy in your week for God? Is there a vacancy in your circle of friends? Is there a vacancy at your family's table?
Make creative vacancies for God to fill with little ones He wants to bless or to bless you; see how He loves to fill a vacancy! Tho remember, His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is holy, and He is higher.
A hollow for the Hallowed! In honor of God. Are you thinking about those less blessed this holiday, who may not have a warm hearth or family?
There was no vacancy at the inn when Jesus' family came to Bethleham for His birth. Do our lives have a place for someone He loves dearly and watches? His eyes are ever looking, looking, for someone who will be a host to what He wants to birth into our world. So often, so often, we send them away!
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