Tuesday, December 25

Hunger and the Hunt

It was the opinion one of my spiritual fathers (ask) that clergy and churches were conditioning common folk to become the laity that neither God's word nor God's Spirit birthed them to be.

When I reflect on the DNA which makes me and those whom I admire different, it is easy to see that we were all trained with a firm belief in the priesthood of the believer and the need for every Christian to individually labor in God's Word for his own edification, and to have a ministry to those in his world. Most protestants are in practice (if not theory) in agreement with Roman catholics (RC'ers, pronounced like drinkers of the cola) in that the real work in the Word should be done by (paid professional) pastors.

"Sunday school" is (largely, not completely) a feeding program designed to give congregants Bible bites pre-digested by an approved denominational authority. Q. Does this increase, or decrease real spiritual hunger? The answer should be obvious. The work performed to get nutrition is as necessary to survival and strength as the food. Sunday School placates and pacifies, and gives Powers That Be sufficient opportunity to nullify the Word of God by indoctrinating the traditions, making men not just less hungry, but incapable of preparing their own food.

A song given to me by my roommate Anthony Burke has these lyrics Peaches come in a can, they were put there by a man, in a factory down town... because I love peaches, but not the skins or work required to eat a fresh peach; I preferred them from the supermarket isle 7. What this attitude produces in America is a diet deficient in non-soluble fiber and Acid Reflux disease; that is, it actually causes bodily harm to the human digestive system. What is true in the natural, is true also in the spiritual.

These are the very practices which abhorred Jesus Christ on the earth. We need to stop it. Seriously. Let we earn the anger of Him who sits in heaven by practicing the deeds of those whom He abhorred on earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.

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