Saturday, November 17

We are the House

Yesterday, I prayed and chatted with my friend Mason, about the need to move from the limitations and zero to loglog growth of seeing The House of The Lord (which is a house of prayer, per scripture) (hereafter simply "The House") as meetings on a calendar or people gathering in a building, to the more accurate conception of the House as a network of individuals in active relationships with one another, meeting all over the city all of the time. This scriptural model of constitution provides for exponential growth.

The question I'm asking (Ps 27:4 in the House) is - "But how to (continually) promote this identity and provide for cohesion and communication?" The reason I don't merely say that I'm brainstorming this is that (1) I do not have the best of class solutions and (2) Jesus knows better how to do His job than any of us do (He made it His job when He said "and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not stand against it").

Here are some ideas which have come to mind, after posing the question to Mister J in prayer and in the context of worship and fellowship: (a) one to one communication by visit and telephone, (b) one to many communication by email, web, podcast, videoblog, CD, brochure, (c) many to many communication through social networking technologies on the internet; (d) many to one communication of the believers to our head, the God of our confession, Jesus Christ.

As I type this blog, I'm aware of an annointing that came upon me for this. I looked around me to see if there is any situational reason for a visitation of the Presence where I sit in this cafe - there is nothing here promoting the Lord. I have come for such a time as this. I take this annointing as a confirmation the vision and the work is the Lord's, and that I'm His tool for this.

1 comment:

Mason Grimes said...

Yes, I am open to learning what the best frame works are for exponential growth. I'm interested in your ideas of using the internet. I think house church is another big thing of the future.
