Tuesday, November 27

Spending the Tithe

Whenever someone blogs about something in which they have financial interest, and therefore are potentially biased by potential personal gain, it is customary and expected that they should disclose this fact to readers. But I cannot recall a single instance of clergy doing this from the pulpit, and something is gravely wrong there. They like to focus on the responsibility to tithe, but I have never heard even one biblical sermon about the responsibility of the tithe. Now why is that?

Ok, I have heard one sermon, from Canada, over 10 years ago. But that was like giving me one ritz cracker with peanut butter. Ah, well Tony Campolo did give some pages to it in his book The Kingdom of God is a Party; I should reread that one.

We need both greater disclosure of where the money goes, and unbiased (ha, likely? not) biblical exposition about what required giving is required to be allocated to. Probably the reason we don't hear this is that it would seriously challenge the unbiblical compensation systems in place?

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